Arms Directory

At Arms Directory, we value the opinions and feedback of our users. User reviews are essential in helping other users make informed decisions about our community’s products, services, and businesses. Our user review policy sets out the guidelines for submitting and publishing reviews on Arms Directory, as well, and ensures that reviews remain helpful, informative, and unbiased.

Quick Guidelines For Review Submissions:

The review must be a genuine and honest expression of your personal experience with the product or service. 

The review must not contain profanity, hate speech, discriminatory language, or inappropriate content.

The review must not include personal information about yourself or others, such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.

The review must not be used to promote a business or product or include URLs or links to other websites.

Review Submissions Requirements in Detail:

Eligibility : Any user who has had a genuine experience with a business listed on Arms Directory may submit a review.

Content : The review should be focused on the user’s experience with the business and should not contain personal attacks or offensive language. The review should be factually accurate and not contain any false or misleading information.

Ownership : The user submitting the review should be the rightful owner of the review and not have copied the review from another source or submitted a review on behalf of someone else.

Verification : Arms Directory may verify the review’s authenticity by contacting the user who submitted the review or by any other means deemed necessary by the site.

Moderation : Arms Directory reserves the right to remove reviews that do not meet the guidelines outlined in this policy. The site may also remove reviews that are identified as spam or fake.

Publishing : Once a review is submitted, Arms Directory will publish it on the relevant business listing page. The review will remain on the site for as long as the business listing is active. The site may also use the review for marketing and promotional purposes.

Feedback : If a business has an issue with a review, they may contact Arms Directory to request a review. The site may ask users to provide further information or proof to support their review.

Privacy : Arms Directory will protect the privacy of users who submit reviews. The site will not share personal information without the user’s consent.

Conflict of Interest : Arms Directory does not allow reviews from employees of the business or competitors of the business. Any reviews from these sources will not be published.

Moderation of Reviews:

Arms Directory reserves the right to remove any review that violates any of our site policies or applicable law.

If we receive a complaint about a review, we will review it and may remove it if we determine that it violates our policy.


Arms Directory does not endorse any specific product or service and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of user reviews.

The views and opinions expressed in user reviews are solely those of the individual submitting the review and do not reflect the views of Arms Directory.

If you have any questions or concerns about this user review policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].