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About Me


I am new to the firearms world and I absolutely am loving it!  Being born in an urban area (Richmond,VA) while also having family in the country, guns have been no stranger in life and I’ve always heard so much about them whether it was good or bad. The first gun I ever fired was my grandfather’s Remington 12 guage at the age of 13. Boy! That scared the crap out of me! Initially I was always interested in guns, but often from people who don’t have knowledge about firearms or won’t attempt to understand, liking guns was frowned upon unless it put dinner on the table. My grandfather told me first that I should respect guns. He then taught me how to be safe with guns with a popular saying “Red means Dead.” Finally, he taught me how to use guns. I bought my first firearm at the age of 20 to exercise my constitutional right… But then I thought to myself “Why stop there?” I wanted to become more involved and included in the 2A community with all it’s wonderful people I’ve heard of or met. That’s when I began watching the USCCA and educating myself for months up until the age of 21. Not too long after my 21st birthday I took my concealed carry class and began watching Colion Noir. Colion has mentioned this website, so here I am today.